#13 Conversation: Winter food cravings (粵語)

Are there any foods that you love to eat when it gets cold out? Today we chat about a Cantonese winter staple, claypot rice (煲仔飯 bou1 zai2 faan6), and the types of Hong Kong shops that specialize in making just one dish. That brings us to the phrase 獨沽一味 (duk6 gu1 jat1 mei2).


1. 犀利 sai1 lei6 (ADJ) serious, sharp, strong
2. 掛住 gwaa3 zyu6 (V) to miss someone or something
3. 經驗 ging1 jim6 (N) experience
4. 感想 gam2 soeng2 (N) thoughts and feelings
5. 戲院 hei3 jyun2 (N) cinema
6. 鋪頭 pou3 tau2 (N) shop
7. 不嬲 bat1 nau1 (ADV) always, all the time
8. 簡單 gaan2 daan1 (ADJ) simple
9. 選擇 syun2 zaak6 (N) choice
10. 砂鍋 saa1 wo1 (N) clay pot
11. 臘腸 laap6 coeng2 (N) Chinese sausage
12. 田雞 tin4 gai1 (N) frog
13. 鹹味道 haam4 mei6 dou6 (N) salty/savory flavor
14. 油淋淋 jau4 lam6 lam6 (N) greasy/oily
15. 舒服 syu1 fuk6 (ADJ) comfortable
16. 小店 siu2 dim3 (N) small local shop
17. 餸菜 sung3 coi3 (N) food dish
18. 專心 zyun1 sam1 (ADV/ADJ) concentrated
19. 專門 zyun1 mun4 (ADV) specialized
20. 專長 zyun1 coeng4 (ADV/N) expertise
21. 特色 dak6 sik1 (N) characteristic/feature
22. 特登 dak6 dang1 (ADV) on purpose
23. 幫襯 bong1 can3 (V) to patronize/shop
24. 單獨 daan1 duk6 (ADJ/ADV) single, alone
25. 困難症 kwan3 naan4 zing3 (N) having difficulty to choose
26. 貶義 bin2 ji6 (N) derogatory meaning, pejoration
27. 淨係 zing6 hai6 (V) merely, only
中性 zung1 sing3 (ADJ/N) neutral
29. 短片 dyun2 pin2 (N) short film/video
30. 脆卜卜 ceoi3 bok1 bok1 (ADJ) crispy
31. 薯片 syu4 pin2 (N) potato chips
32. 燶燶哋 nung1 nung1 dei2 (ADJ) slightly burned
33. 飯焦 faan6 ziu1 (N) rice crust
34. 形容 jing4 jung4 (V) to describe
35. 𢳂 bat1 (V) to scoop
36. 完整 jyun4 zing2 (ADJ) complete/intact
37. 頭盔 tau4 kwai1 (N) helmet
38. 忍唔住笑 jan2 m4 zyu6 siu3 (V) can’t help laughing

ADJ - Adjective

ADV - Adverb

N - Noun

V - Verb


Cameron: 因爲我而家住喺個冬天比較犀利1嘅地方,所以二月嘅時候時時掛住2香港天氣囉。但係香港島有個冬天嘅習慣,我覺得適合凍啲嘅地方。呢個習慣就係食煲仔飯。Raymond 你覺得呢?

(Since I now live somewhere with a more extreme winter, in February I often miss Hong Kong weather. But Hong Kong has one winter custom that I think actually fits colder places–that custom is eating claypot rice. Raymond, what do you think?)

Raymond: 我屋企呢就唔算係廣東人嚟嘅。我父母祖籍係福建,以前都講過。所以我哋又唔算食得好多煲仔飯囉。我覺得你可能食煲仔飯經驗3仲多過我呀,不如我又想聽下你,即係你鍾意食啲咩煲仔飯呀,你對煲仔飯嘅感想4係點樣呀?

(My family doesn’t exactly count as Cantonese. My parents are Fujianese, as I’ve said before, so we don’t eat a lot of claypot rice. I think you might have more experience eating claypot rice than I do. But I’d like to hear from you regarding your favorite claypot rice and your thoughts on the dish, how about that?)

Cameron: 其實呢對我嚟講,食煲仔飯嘅習慣同睇戲嘅習慣係有關係嘅。喺香港我最鍾意嘅戲院5叫 Broadway Cinematheque。噉 Broadway Cinematheque 附近有個鋪頭6叫四季煲仔飯,冬天嘅時候不嬲7有好多人排隊。其實我第一次去四季煲仔飯嘅時候,發現雖然客人好多,但係因為菜單好簡單8,只有幾個選擇9啫,唔使等好耐囉。佢哋煮煲仔飯嘅時候會有一個砂鍋10,嚟食嘅時候會用一様嘅砂鍋。下面有飯,飯上邊有你揀嘅嘢,可能係臘腸11,可能係田雞12,但係都係比較鹹味道13嘅嘢。有啲油淋淋14,我自己食咗之後都想瞓覺,因爲會覺得好舒服15。但係 Raymond 我而家記唔起嘅係廣東話嘅一個講法就係“呢間煮一種菜嘅鋪頭”係點講呀?

(For me, eating claypot rice is actually closely tied to watching movies. My favorite movie theater in Hong Kong is called Broadway Cinematheque. Near Broadway Cinematheque is a shop called “Four Seasons Claypot Rice,” and there is always a line during the winter. But the first time I went to Four Seasons Claypot Rice, I learned that although there are many customers, the menu is pretty simple, there are only a few choices, so you don’t have to wait long. They cook the dish in a claypot, and then you eat it from the claypot. On the bottom there’s rice, and on top is the stuff you choose, like Chinese sausage or frog, but it’s all usually rather salty flavoring. It’s also a bit oily, and I often want too sleep after eating it, as I feel very comfortable. But Raymond, right now I can’t remember how too say a phrase in Cantonese–a store that only makes one type of dish, what do you call that?)

Raymond: 係呀,有啲嘅,餐廳啦,或者小店16啦,佢哋賣嘅餸菜17呀,或者飯嘅選擇呢,就唔多啦。噉少啲呢,其實唔一定壞事呀,我覺得佢專心18專門19做好佢哋專長20做嘅特色21嘅菜,有陣時呢噉樣仲出名仲同多啲人去特登22幫襯23呀。噉呢一個講法呢,有個成語呢,就叫“獨沽一味”。獨呢,就係單獨24嘅獨啦。沽呢,就係去賣嘅嗰個三點水一個古字,呢個沽呢,就係去賣嘢嗰個賣嘅意思啦。一味呢,就係一味菜,一種味道噉樣。獨沽一味,你猜唔猜到係咩意思,同埋點樣用呢?

(Yeah, there are some restaurants or small stores, the dishes they sell, or their food choices, there aren’t very many. But having less isn’t necessarily a bad thing. I think they concentrate on making the specialty dish for which they have the most expertise. Sometimes these shops become famous and more people patronize them. As for this saying, there is an idiom, which is duk6 gu1 jat1 mei2. Duk6 means “single.:” Gu1 means to sell, the gu2 character with the three-dot water radical on the side, it really just means to sell stuff. Jat1 mei2 means one dish, one sort of flavor. Can you figure out the meaning and usage of duk6 gu1 jat1 mei2?)

Cameron: 好似係一間只有一種食品嘅鋪頭。所以可以講,喺香港獨沽一味嘅鋪頭好多。

(It seems like a shop that only has one type of food. So you could say, Hong Kong has many single-dish shops.)

Raymond: 係呀,有啲鋪頭呢就獨沽一味啦。噉呀當然亦都有好多鋪頭佢哋,正如你講佢哋賣好多好多嘅唔同嘅食品噉樣。噉令到我哋有選擇困難症25呀,即係呢好難去揀。噉呢講開獨沽一味呢句說話,本來呢係貶義26嘅,即係佢個意思係麻麻地嘅,即係話呢“佢呀淨係27獨沽一味,只係賣一樣嘢噉樣。我哋冇得選擇。”噉但係而家呢就變得比較中性28啲啦。噉可以唔係淨係賣嘢啦,你話“我獨沽一味,我淨係識得做呢樣嘢嘅”噉樣。噉呢個可以係中性,甚至係一件好嘅事,因爲呢我專心做一件事。你話“我食飯”或者“我煮飯”“我淨係呢獨沽一味嘅”就係煲仔飯喇。噉呢個可能都係佢嘅特色之一。

(Yes, some shops only offer one dish. Of course there are also many shops, as you say, that sell many different types of food, and that gives us choice anxiety, meaning it’s very hard to choose. But as for this saying, duk6 gu1 jat1 mei2, it originally had a derogatory meaning, as in just so-so, as in, “This place is a ‘one-flavor’ place, they only sell one type of dish, we have no choice.” But now the saying has become more neutral. It could also be about not just selling, you could say, “I only have ‘one flavor,’ I only know how to do this one thing.” Now this can be neutral, it can also be positive, because it is something you excel at doing. You can say, “I eat” or “I cook,” “I only do one flavor,” which is claypot rice. Now this could be one of their specialities.)

Cameron: 係呀,同埋都有啲香港嘅 YouTubers 對獨沽一味呢個 concept 有興趣。佢哋拍啲短片29比較下幾家煮一種食品嘅鋪頭。都幾好睇呀。但係講返煲仔飯我都想講下佢哋另一個特點,就係最下邊嘅飯脆卜卜30,好似食薯片31噉。

(Yeah, and there are also many Hong Kong YouTubers interested in the concept of duk6 gu1 jat1 mei2. They film some clips where they compare multiple stores that all make one type of food. They’re pretty good to watch. But getting back to claypot rice, I want to mention one other characteristic, which it that the rice on the bottom is very crisp, almost like eating potato chips [crisps].)

Raymond: 你記唔記得叫咩呀,即係如果呢,嗰啲飯呢,喺底呀或者邊呢,即係你煮到有少少燶燶哋32噉樣。噉有啲人食煲仔飯都係特登想食嗰個部份呀。你記唔記得叫咩呀?

(Do you remember what that rice at the bottom or side, which gets slightly burned, is called? Some people specifically eat claypot rice just for that. Do you remember what it’s called?)

Cameron: 唔記得。

(I don’t remember.)

Raymond: 叫飯焦33呀。

(It’s called faan6 ziu1.)

Cameron: 哦飯焦。

(Oh, faan6 ziu1


(That ziu1, it means to be burnt. And I am just like you, I have recently been watching a lot of these online videos where lots of people go to different restaurants and try different dishes, filming it all. But since we are living abroad it’s a bit harder for us to eat claypot rice, so sometimes when I’ve watched [a clip] it’s like I’ve eaten it and I’m very happy. As for the burnt rice bit, there’s a new way to describe it, which is, how do you know if the edge rice has been cooked well or not? When you go to scoop out the faan6 ziu1, see if it comes out in one piece, doesn’t break, almost like a helmet.)

Cameron: 😄

Raymond: 忍唔住笑38呀,好好笑呀。

(One can’t help but laugh, it’s quite funny.)

常見煲仔飯 Common claypot rice 

  • 臘味煲仔飯 laap6 mei2 bou1 zai2 faan6 Claypot style preserved meat rice
  • 北菇滑雞飯 bak1 gu1 waat6 gai1 faan6 Steamed chicken and shiitake mushroom rice
  • 豉汁排骨飯 si6 zap1 paai4 gwat1 faan6 Pork ribs rice with black bean sauce
  • 鹹魚雞粒飯 haam4 jyu4 gai1 lap1 faan6 Salted fish and chicken rice
  • 窩蛋牛肉飯 wo1 daan2 ngau4 juk6 faan6 Beef rice with raw egg
  • 咸魚肉餅飯 haam4 jyu4 juk6 beng2 faan6 Salted fish and meatloaf rice
  • 香菇田雞飯 hoeng1 gu1 tin4 gai1 faan6 Frog and shiitake mushroom rice
  • 豉汁白鱔飯 si6 zap1 baak6 sin5 faan6 White eel rice with black bean sauce
  • 鳳爪排骨飯 fung6 zaau2 paai4 gwat1 faan6 Chicken feet and pork ribs with rice