#35 Guest Episode: Allan Lau and Duck Lau, Part 1 (粵語)

Welcome to Season 3 of Chatty Cantonese! We start things off with a double-interview with two notable figures from the world of Cantopop, Allan Lau and Duck Lau. In addition to talking about their own musical experiences, the pair explain some Cantopop history and how newbies can learn more about the genre and its connection with Hong Kong culture.


  1. 難得 naan4 dak1 (ADJ/ADV) rare; rarely
  2. 破天荒 po3 tin1 fong1 (ADJ) unprecedented
  3. 榮幸 wing4 hang6 (ADJ/N) honored; honor
  4. 製作 zai3 zok3 (N/V) production; to produce
  5. 監製 gaam1 zai3 (V/N) to produce as supervisor; producer
  6. 填(埋)詞 tin4 (maai4) ci4 (VO) write song lyrics (as well)
  7. 和音 wo6 jam1 (N) vocal harmony
  8. 主音 zyu2 jam1 (N) lead singer
  9. 樂手 ngok6 sau2 (N) musician
  10. 紅館 hung4 gun2 (N) Hong Kong Coliseum
  11. 元素 jyun4 sou3 (N) element
  12. 撈(撈埋)埋 lou1 (lou1 maai4) maai4 (VC) to blend/mix together
  13. 吻合 man5 hap6 (ADJ/V) matched; to coincide
  14. 粵曲 jyut6 kuk1 (N) Cantonese operatic music
  15. 粵劇 jyut6 kek6 (N) Cantonese opera
  16. 夾雜 gaap3 zaap6 (V) to blend/mix
  17. 起源 hei2 jyun4 (N/V) origin; to originate
  18. 娛樂 jyu4 lok6 (N/V) entertainment; to entertain
  19. 一味 jat1 mei2 (ADV) blindly, exclusively
  20. 明顯 ming4 hin2 (ADJ/ADV) obvious; obviously
  21. 風格 fung1 gaak3 (N) style
  22. 絕對 zyut6 deoi3 (ADV/ADJ) absolutely; absolute
  23. 不外乎 bat1 ngoi6 fu4 (ADV) nothing but, simply
  24. 旋律 syun4 leot2 (N) melody, tune
  25. 節奏 zit3 zau3 (N) rhythm
  26. 和弦 wo4 jyun4 (N) chord
  27. 包含 baau1 ham4 (V) to contain/include
  28. 求其 kau4 kei4 (ADJ/ADV) casual, sloppy; casually
  29. 冚唪唥 ham6 baang6 laang6 (PRON) all, everything
  30. 扤 ngat1 (V) to press/push/stuff
  31. 單調 daan1 diu6 (ADJ) boring, monotonous
  32. 概念 koi3 nim6 (N) concept
  33. 示範 si6 faan6 (V/N) to demonstrate; demonstration
  34. 生動 sang1 dung6 (ADJ) lively, vivid
  35. 誇張 kwaa1 zoeng1 (ADJ/V) exaggerated; to exaggerate
  36. 題外話 tai4 ngoi6 waa6 (N) digression, off-topic talk
  37. 八度 baat3 dou6 (N) octave
  38. 演進 jin2 zeon3 (V) to develop/evolve
  39. 炒埋一碟 caau2 maai4 jat1 dip6 (EXP/VO) mixing different things together (lit. stir-fry in one dish)
  40. 摩登 mo1 dang1 (ADJ) modern
  41. 掉(返)轉 diu6 faan1 zyun3 (VC) to reverse/turn back
  42. 叩頭 kau3 tau4 (VO) to bow/kowtow
  43. 雪菜 syut3 coi3 (N) preserved mustard greens
  44. 進化 zeon3 faa3 (N/V) evolution; to evolve
  45. 大雜燴 daai6 zaap6 wui6 (N) hodgepodge, mishmash
  46. 一舊(舊) jat1 gau6 gau6 (ADJ/CL) bumpy; a lump (after lump)
  47. 受... 薰陶 fan1 tou4 (V) to be culturally/positively under the impact/influence by
  48. 百花齊放 baak3 faa1 cai4 fong3 (EXP) freedom of expression in art (lit. hundred flowers bloom)
  49. 嚮往 hoeng2 wong5 (V) to long/yearn for
  50. 使命感 si5 ming6 gam2 (N) sense of mission/purpose
  51. 流傳 lau4 cyun4 (V) to circulate/spread
  52. 串流 cyun3 lau4 (N/V) streaming; to stream
  53. 爭在 zaang1 zoi6 (EXP) It is only a matter of…
  54. 揚琴 joeng4 kam4 (N) hammered dulcimer, a Chinese musical instrument
  55. 古箏 gu2 zang1 (N) zither, a Chinese musical instrument
  56. 又盛 jau6 sing6 (EXP/N) and so on, et cetera
  57. 滲入 sam3 jap6 (V) to infiltrate/infuse
  58. 鼓吹 gu2 ceoi1 (V) to advocate/promote
  59. 階段 gaai1 dyun6 (N) phase, stage
  60. 論調 leon6 diu6 (N) argument, view
  61. 回首 wui4 sau2 (ADV) in hindsight, looking back
  62. 拜...所賜 baai3… so2 ci3 (EXP) thanks to…
  63. 回顧 wui4 gu3 (V) to reminisce/review
  64. 原創 jyun4 cong3 (ADJ) originally created/produced
  65. 一概而論 jat1 koi3 ji4 leon6 (EXP) generalization
  66. 目睹 muk6 dou2 (V) to witness
  67. 復甦 fuk6 sou1 (N/V) recovery; to recover
  68. 興衰 hing1 seoi1 (N) rise and fall
  69. 新意 san1 ji3 (N) innovation
  70. 有料 jau5 liu2 (ADJ) with qualifications/substance/talent
  71. 興旺 hing1 wong6 (ADJ) prosperous
  72. 谷 guk1 (V) to boost
  73. 第時 dai6 si4 (ADV) in the future
  74. 界線 gaai3 sin3 (N) boundary
  75. 清晰 cing1 sik1 (ADJ) clear
  76. 退休 teoi3 jau1 (N/V) retirement; to retire
  77. 未有耐 mei6 jau5 noi1/2 (ADV) not quite yet
  78. (餅)帶 (beng2) daai2 (N) cassette tape
  79. 撳(個)掣 gam6 (go3) zai3 (VO) press/push button

ADJ - Adjective

ADV - Adverb

CL - Classifier

EXP - Expression

N - Noun

PRON - Pronoun

V - Verb

V - Verb complement

VO - Verb object


Raymond: 粵語白白講好耐冇見大家,踏入第三季,我哋首集就嚟個雙響砲,邀請兩位粵語流行音樂人劉熙信同劉祖德同大家分享多年音樂工作經驗心得。

劉熙信 Allan Lau 係一名全方位音樂人,從事歌曲及廣告音樂製作、電影電視配樂同電子遊戲聲效設計。香港電視上無數廣告音樂都係由佢操刀,並獲得「最佳廣告主題曲」獎項。由2002 年至今,佢同亞洲好多著名歌手同台演出過數百場世界巡迴演唱會,包括有張學友,王菲,容祖兒,李克勤等。佢亦擔任過甄妮,楊千嬅,草蜢,黃凱芹等歌手嘅演唱會音樂總監。Allan 亦係專業配音及和音員,擁有渾厚低沉聲線同精通三種語言嘅佢,經常為國際品牌配音同唱片和唱。

劉祖德係著名香港音樂人/作曲人。其作品數目約有二百多首,自1995年於CASH流行曲創作大賽贏得冠軍後,多年來主要從事各類型音樂工作。曾合作之歌手眾多,包括容祖兒楊千嬅劉德華張學友張敬軒鄭秀文陳奕迅等等,不能盡錄。曾有份參與監製、作曲或編曲嘅歌曲則數以百計。演唱經驗亦非常豐富,曾喺眾多歌星嘅演唱會及唱片中擔任和音及演繹指導。近期作品包括郭富城、周慧敏、林峯及張敬軒之世界巡迴演唱會; 心之科學(容祖兒); 愛情萬歲(鄭秀文); 幸福摩天輪(陳奕迅); 高妹(李克勤); 電影色情男女、半支煙、十二夜、少年賭神等配樂。

今集係訪問嘅第一部分,我哋講到佢哋嘅入行經歷以及佢哋對粵語流行曲嘅歷史同影響嘅一啲睇法。 請記得收聽埋下一集我哋對話嘅後半部份。

Cameron: Long time no see–or is it “long time no chat?” Chatty Cantonese is back for Season 3 with a double feature with two Cantopop musicians Allan Lau and Duck Lau, who shared their rich career experiences and views.

Born and raised in Canada, Allan Lau is an versatile musician, first playing keyboards for famous Hong Kong artists while he was still studying in university. Thanks to the guidance of music industry heavyweights like Tony Arevalo Jr. (盧東尼), So Tak Wah (蘇德華 - guitarist of Blue Jeans), and Andrew Tuason (杜自持), he was invited to join Hong Kong’s first modern musical “Snow Wolf Lake” (featuring megastar Jacky Cheung), playing keyboards alongside many of the city’s top musicians while touring across China. He has since performed in hundreds of concerts in stadiums around the world as music director, pianist, and/or keyboardist. He can often be seen on stage with artists such as Faye Wong, Joey Yung, Karen Mok, Hacken Lee, Grasshopper, Priscilla Chan, and countless other superstars.

From orchestrating movie scores to composing for Disney animations, to crafting commercial theme tracks for multinational corporations such as Pepsi, Sony and Cathay Pacific, Allan’s melodies can be heard around the world. Allan is also a voice artist and bass singer, bringing to life video game characters and movie trailers.

Duck Lau Cho Tak is an award-winning Hong Kong musician/composer. With about two hundred well known songs written, Lau has been actively engaged in various music scenes since he won the CASH Pop Music Composition Competition in 1995. He has worked with many big names in Cantopop, including Joey Yung, Miriam Yeung, Andy Lau, Jacky Cheung, Hins Cheung, Sammi Cheng, and Eason Chan, among others. He has also participated in the production, composition, or arrangement of hundreds of songs. As an experienced singer, he has served as chorus and performance director in numerous concerts and records. He most recently contributed to the world tours of Aaron Kwok, Vivian Chow, Raymond Lam, and Hins Cheung, and also worked on the songs Science of the Heart (心之科學) by Joey Yung, Love is Elsewhere (愛情萬歲) by Sammi Cheng, Happy Ferris Wheel (幸福摩天輪) by Eason Chan, Tall Girl (高妹) by Hacken Lee. Additionally, he has worked on movie soundtracks for films including Viva Erotica, Metade Fumaca, Twelve Nights, and God of Gamblers 3: The Early Stage.

This is the first part of our interview where we talk about how they started their career and their views on the history and influences of Cantopop. Be sure to check back next episode for the conclusion of our conversation.

Raymond: 好,我哋今日真係開心喇,我哋今日呢好難得1呀,我哋第一次破天荒2呢,我哋有多過一位嘉賓同我哋喺埋一齊。噉我哋好榮幸3呢,今日有兩位都係姓劉嘅音樂家同我哋一齊。今日,我哋好自然就會講啲同音樂啦,不過呢,都會講其他同粵語有關嘅問題。我哋呢首先歡迎 Allan Lau,同埋Duck Lau。

(Well, we’re very happy today for such a rare, first-time occasion, as we have an extra guest with us. We are very honored to have two guests surnamed Lau together from the music industry. Today we’ll naturally talk a bit about music, but we’ll also talk about questions related to Cantonese. First let’s welcome Allan Lau and Duck Lau!)

Allan: Hello!

Duck: Hello!

Raymond: 劉熙信同劉祖德係嘛,呢次冇講錯你哋嘅名呀嘛?

(Lau4 Hei1Seon3 and Lau4 Zou2Dak1,  I didn’t say your names wrong, did I?)

Duck: 啱!

(It’s right!)

Allan: 大家好呀!兩“劉”兩“白”呀今日!變成咩嘢呢?

(Hello everyone! Two Laus and two Baaks today! What will that turn into?)

Raymond: “粵語劉劉白白講”。噉呢,噉不如開始嘅時候就請兩位嘉賓呢,即係與其我哋介紹,不如你哋介紹吓你哋自己嘅背景呀,噉同埋你哋同粵語之間有啲乜嘢關係。

(“Jyut6 jyu5 lau4 lau4 baak6 baak6 gong2.” [A play on the Cantonese name of Chatty Cantonese]. When we start, how about we ask our two guests to introduce themselves, introduce their backgrounds, and also what your relationship with Cantonese is.]

Allan: 阿德先啦。

(Duck, you go first).

Duck: 我先呀。噉我就香港出世,所以就即係母語本身就係講廣東話嘅。噉呀,而我一直以嚟,大部分時間做嘢呢,都係做粵語嘅流行曲。噉呀,無論係有關於製作4上面好多部分,我都有興趣我就做嘅。噉呀,譬如寫歌呀,監製5呀,有陣時間中填埋詞6啦,比較少。噉呀,跟住後來就有唱和音7呀,跟住有陣時都會唱埋主音8添呀噉樣。

(I’ll go first. I was born in Hong Kong, so as such my first language was Cantonese. All along, I’ve pretty much always done stuff related to Cantonese pop music. Regardless of which of the many parts of [music] production something is related to, I’m always interested. For instance, songwriting, producing, and for a while writing lyrics, though I did less of that. For a while I also did backup vocals, and there was also a lead singer for a time.)

Allan: 噉到我喇係咪?

(Now my turn?)

Duck: 哈哈,係呀,係喎。

(Haha, yes, yes.)

Allan: 我呢,就喺…我係 Alan 啦,我喺加拿大出世嘅,喺呢度長大。但係我嘅母語同阿德一樣都係廣東話,因爲我父母就係來自香港嘅。噉呀好早期就移民咗嚟溫哥華啦。噉呀所以係喇,我一路都係由細都係講廣東話嘅喺屋企。噉呀,甚至英文呢,係好遲先至 pick up 到嘅,因爲,因爲我屋企真係實在講得太… 即係淨係用廣東話。噉所以呢,英文唔係幾叻嘅,甚至細個嘅時候要讀埋 ESL 添嘅,幾好笑。噉呀,我都係從事呢個音樂啦,都有差唔多廿年呀。

(I’m Allan, I was born and grew up in Canada. However, my first language is Cantonese, as my parents came from Hong Kong. Early on they emigrated to Vancouver, and ever since I was little I was in a Cantonese-speaking household. As for English, I picked it up rather later, as at home we really just spoke Cantonese. Because of that, I wasn’t very good at English and when I was little I even had to take ESL [English as a Second Language] classes, it’s pretty funny. I also work in music and have been in the industry for about 20 years.)

噉讀完大學之後呢,就去咗香港做一個樂手9啦,彈好多演唱會啦,亦都係喺紅館10嗰度就認識阿劉祖德喇。唔係,我一早就識佢嘅大名呢,佢做好多歌,但係我哋第一次合作呢,就係零五年喺紅館做一個演唱會嘅識嘅。噉呀,跟住我亦都有做好多監製呀,編曲呀,作曲嘅工作啦。係喇,噉呀除此之外,我亦都有做一啲 VO 呀,即係叫 voice over,幫人錄音。有錄廣東話當然有啦,英文呀,國語都有嘅。噉可以分享吓啲喺錄 VO,錄廣東話嘅一啲趣事同大家分享吓啦。

(After I finished college, I went to Hong Kong to work as a musician. I played in a lot of concerts and got to know Duck at the Hong Kong Coliseum. No, I’d actually heard his name well before, as he’d done a lot of songs, but the first time that we collaborated was in 2005 for a concert at the Hong Kong Coliseum. I’ve also produced, arranged, and written songs. Yup, other than that, I’ve also done voiceover work, helping people by doing recordings. Of course, I’ve recorded in Cantonese, but I’ve also done work in English and Mandarin. I can share some amusing anecdotes with everyone about doing Cantonese voiceover work.)

Raymond: 係呀,好多謝你哋兩位上嚟啦。噉我啱啱都唔記得講嘅,噉其實我同兩位嘉賓三個人都喺溫哥華呢度啦。我都喺嚟到溫哥華認識兩位啦。噉但係呢,我都有一樣,其實呢兩位嘅大名呢我都聽過嘅,你哋嘅作品我都聽過嘅。都好開心喺呢度見,認識到你哋啦,噉呀多謝你哋上嚟。噉 Cameron 你可以,不如你開始喇。你有冇嘢想問我哋嘅嘉賓呀?

(Yes, thanks so much to the two of you for coming. I just forgot to say that you two and I are all Vancouverites. I met you both after coming to Vancouver. However, in both cases, I had [already] heard your names and heard of your works. I’m very happy to see you here and to have gotten to know you, so thank you for coming on the podcast. Cameron, how about you start. Is there anything you’d like to ask our guests?)

Cameron: 第一個想問嘅問題就係,如果有外國人問你,Cantopop 同其他嘅音樂有乜嘢唔同?你會點答?

(My first question is if a foreigner asks you how Cantopop is different from other music, what would you say?)

Duck: Cantopop 同其他音樂有咩唔同?哈哈。嗯…我覺得係,其實本身 Cantopop 呢,最先嘅 influence 都係嚟自歐美流行曲啦,即係都有好多啦。噉亦都有呢,即係,本身即係嚟自中國嘅,即係長久以來歷史以來嗰啲音樂嘅元素11噉啦。噉其實係就會係撈撈埋埋12。其實本身同香港呢個城市都好近似喇,即係係中西都會有嘅元素,個 culture 都會撈咗落去。噉我哋啲歌呢,如果你留心聽,有時有啲英文字喺度。我哋嘅廣東話有陣時都會撈咗英文字入去,都有啲似嘅。Alan 有冇一啲睇法呀?

(How is it different from other music? Hm… I think that at its core, Cantopop’s initial influence is for the most part European and American pop music. However, there’s a part of it that comes from China, with musical elements coming from way back in history. In fact, they all sort of mix together. It’s very much like the city of Hong Kong, where there are both Western and Eastern elements, with those cultures coming and mixing together. As for our songs, if you listen carefully, sometimes there’s some English in there. There are times in Cantonese when we’ll mix in English words, there’s alway stuff like that. Allan, do you have any thoughts?)

Allan: 係呀講得好好。基本上 Cantopop 就係同成個香港嘅 development 係好吻合13嘅。由一開始,即係我諗由歐西流行曲再早少少,我哋有咩呀?即係所以我哋嘅音樂係咩呀?例如粵曲14啦。

(Yeah, you put it well. Essentially, Cantopop is meshed with the development of all of Hong Kong. From the start, a bit before Western popular music [arrived], what did we have? What was our music? Cantonese opera songs.)

Duck: 粵劇15啦,係,粵曲啦。

(Cantonese opera, yes, Cantonese opera songs.)

Allan:  小調啦,跟住跟住就嗰啲 band 呀,Beatles 嗰啲就嚟喇。

(Folk tunes, and then those bands, like The Beatles came.)

Duck: 嗰啲歐西喇,就係嗰陣時開始,即係影響我哋。

(Those Western [music groups], that was when it started, them influencing us.)

Allan:  所以其實呢,好得意嘅,喺最早期我諗六七十… 六七十年代呢,香(港) Cantopop 都有少少 identity crisis 嘅。或者其實根本未有 Cantopop 呢個字嘅,即係未曾 identify 佢係乜嘢。因為呢度一啲,嗰度一啲,噉樣夾雜16好多嘢。噉直至到幾時先至有 Cantopop 呢?或者我哋而家即係睇返歷史、過往,我諗可能就是 Sam Hui 囉,好多人都會,即係, as a starting point 啦, Sam Hui, 1970s,就係佢…

(Actually, what’s interesting is that early on in the 60s or 70s I think, Hong Kong Cantopop had a bit of an identity crisis. It had yet to identify what it was. There was a bit of this, a bit of that, with a lot of stuff mixed together. So when was it that we first had Cantopop? Or when we look back on history, the past, I think it was Sam Hui–many people do–who was a starting point. Sam Hui, the 1970s, it was him…)

Duck: 許冠傑。

(Heoi2 Gun1 Git6 [Sam Hui’s name in Cantonese])

Allan:  許冠傑,係喇係喇。好多人稱佢為 “The God Father of Cantopop” 啦。 因為佢就將所有呢啲元素呢,就撈埋一齊喇。

(Sam Hui, yes. Many people call him the godfather of Cantopop. It’s because he was the one to blend all of these elements together.)

Duck: 另外一個嘅,即係另外一個起源17呀,我諗係同輝哥有關,顧嘉輝。

(As for another, another origin, I think is related to Fai1 Go1 [affectionate nickname for Louis Koo, lit. “Brother Fai”], Joseph Koo.)

Allan: 係呀,電視劇呀。

(Yes, from TV dramas.)

Duck: 佢呢就係另外一個 stream 喇。即係佢係TV series 呀,即係香港嘅劇呀,港劇。噉呀就製造咗好多嘅好經典嘅廣東劇嘅歌,即係主題曲噉樣嗰啲。噉嗰度又係另外一個好大嘅一個部分呀,個起源呀。

(He is another “stream,” as in [via] TV series, Hong Kong TV dramas. He produced a lot of classic Cantonese songs, as in [TV drama] theme songs. That’s another large part, an origin.)

Allan: 因為個個都會睇,即係當時係冇乜娛樂18呢,噉夜晚一定食飯就睇電視,噉睇電視一定有主題曲,而且輝哥嗰啲真係冇得講,真係寫得好好聽。噉當然除咗輝哥,亦都有另一個台嘅。譬如黎小田呀嗰啲都好正啦係咪?

(Because everyone would watch–there wasn’t much in the way of entertainment back then. At night you would almost certainly watch TV while you ate dinner, and TV [shows] always had a theme song. And with Joseph Koo it goes without saying that what he wrote sounded really, really good. And of course besides Joseph Koo, there was another channel [Historical note: In the 1970s, Koo was musical director for the channel TVB, while Lai was music director for Rediffusion]. For instance, Michael Lai was also pretty amazing, right?)

Duck: 係。


Allan: 噉所以呢啲就係,我諗,Cantopop 嘅 history 啦。但係頭先 Cameron 又問我哋 Cantopop… 

(So this, I think, is the history of Cantopop. But just now, Cameron asked us how Cantopop…)

Duck: 有乜唔同呢係咪?

(How is it different?)

Allan: 有乜唔同呢?我哋一味19講歷史喎。

(How is it different? We just mindlessly went on about history.)

Duck: 我覺得另外一個好明顯20,我 feel 到嘅唔同。因爲我好鍾意聽英文歌嘅。噉我到做歌嘅時候呢,我好想做啲歌係比較似英文歌嘅,唔同嘅風格21。但係我發現呢,喺 Cantopop 呢就唔多嗰啲嘅喎。噉呢,Cantopop 比較多呢係 melodic 啲嘅。即係個 melody 本身變化比較多。噉變咗呢,因爲我哋講嗰個語言呀,廣東話本身係有 tone,tonal,即係有高低音呀噉樣。噉呢係會跟住嗰啲音嘅變化可以寫到好多嘢落去噉樣囉。如果譬如,一隻歌係一個音噉樣:“de de de de, de de de de de de de, de de”,噉呢,得一個音嘅話呢係好難搞嘅。填廣東詞,好難,好難填得啱晒啲音又可以做得好好。噉呢,於是呢就少啲噉樣嘅歌。又唔係冇嘅,有陣時要填得好辛苦,但係都有嗰啲歌喺度。但係就少我覺得,相對少。

(​​I think another thing that is obvious is how I feel that it is different. I really like English music, and when I write songs, I try to write something that is similar to English music, a different style. However, I’ve discovered that Cantopop doesn’t have as much of that. Cantopop is very melodic, as in the melody essentially changes a lot. It changes because when we speak the languages, Cantonese is tonal, with rising and falling pitches. So we’ll write music that follows the rise and fall of pitches. For instance, a song could go like this….It’s hard to get one pitch. Writing Cantonese lyrics [in accordance with the pitches of the language] is very hard, it is very hard to get all the right pitches and do it well. Thus, there are very few Cantonese songs like that [that match the ideal]. It’s not that there aren’t any—it takes time and effort, and there are songs like that. But I think there are relatively few.)

Allan: 我絕對22同意囉。音樂其實不外乎23三個,三樣元素啦,3 elements:旋律24節奏25和弦26,係咪?噉,是但一樣嘢都可以係音樂嘅,譬如我淨係節奏,淨係打鼓都已經係音樂㗎喇。但係我覺得呢,廣東話呢,起碼包含27有兩樣嘢,就係旋律同節奏。譬如,我求其28一句嘢啦:“冚唪唥29幫我搞掂佢。”噉樣我就聽到“de de de de de de de de”,“冚唪唥幫我搞掂佢(playing piano)。”噉其實,因為廣東話呢… 廣東話呢,本身個,點解我咁鍾意,就係佢係已經係包含咗個 melody 喺每一個字入面呀。頭先阿德講到,有 tone 呀嘛,六個定九個噉樣啦,係咪?噉其實,呢六個,我當六個先啦,係:

(I absolutely agree. Music is nothing but 3 elements: melody, rhythm, and chords, right? But just one of those can also be music, like if I just did rhythm, just playing the drums would already be music. However, I think that Cantonese encapsulates at least 2 of these, melody and rhythm. For instance, I’ll come up with a random sentence: “Help me deal with all of these.” Now what I hear is… Help me deal with all of these. It’s because Cantonese… Well, at its core, why do I like Cantonese? [It’s because] It already has a melody included in every character. As Duck just said, it has tones, six or nine, right? Actually, those six, I’ll do six. First, it’s:…. )

(playing piano)

就係呢六個喇:“詩、史、試、時、市、是”,係咪?可能阿德要高啲啦,阿德要:“詩、史、試、時、市、是 (playing piano with higher tone)”。如果喺 Musical terms 嚟講,就係我哋 transpose 咗。

(It’s these six: si1 si2 si3 si4 si5 si6, right? Maybe Duck might say them high like: si1 si2 si3 si4 si5 si6. If we’re talking in musical terms, that would be transposed.)

Duck: So ra do re mi ~

Allan: 係喇,譬如,同國語就唔同,國語就 4 個啦:“de1 de2 de3 de4”。“de1 de2 de3 de4” 我聽唔到個 melody 嘅其實。佢好就好在,你可以30任何一個 pitch 入去都得。噉但係呢,如果你就噉講呢,我就覺得呢 Cantonese 就好玩啲,因爲佢本身已經好 melodic 又好有節奏感。“冚唪唥同我過嚟”,“de de de de de de de” 噉樣,所以我就鍾意呢樣嘢囉。

(Yes, and for instance, it’s different from Mandarin. Mandarin has only 4 tones—dē, dé, dě, dè. What’s nice there is that you can shift any pitch you want into those words. However, if that’s the case, I think that Cantonese is more fun, as it is already very melodic and also has a sense of rhythm. “Come with me altogether,” de de de de de… like that. So that’s why I like this sort of stuff.)

Raymond: 我哋初班呢其實好適合你哋教。我覺得你啱啱已經幫我哋上咗一兩堂。即係啲聲調嘅問題。啲人成日覺得好難呀,又或者覺得好單調31、好難學嘅一啲,一個概念32呢,其實你頭先示範33兩句呢,已經即係非常之生動34呀我覺得。噉…你講啦 Allan。

(What you’re teaching us would actually really suit our beginner class. I think you just helped us through one or two classes regarding problems of tone. Some people think it’s always really hard, or they think it’s really dull, really hard to study. But one concept, in fact those two sentences you just modeled, they’re already very vivid, I think. Allan, go ahead.)

Allan: 有音樂底嘅人,我諗係會有幫助嘅。即係頭先我噉樣誇張35…嗱,而家即刻示範啦,Raymond 麻煩你求其講句嘢啦。

(I think it will help those with a background in music. What I did just now was a bit exaggerated… for the next demonstration, can I trouble you for a sentence, Raymond?)

Raymond: 係。“今晚我唔肚餓。”

(Sure…”Tonight I’m not hungry.”)

Allan: (playing piano).

Raymond: 係呀。


Allan: 跟住…

(And then…)

Raymond: “今晚我唔肚餓。”

(​​“Tonight I’m not hungry.”)

Alan: …基本上就唔會點錯嘅喇。有個 framework 俾你。我諗,頭先話三個元素,唯一廣東話… 呢個又題外話36,成日即係俾人講笑噉講啦。冇乜和弦呀,chord。即係譬如,以前嘅傳統,traditional Cantonese / Chinese music 呀:

(You essentially can’t be wrong by much. There’s a framework I can give you. I think, I just said there were three elements, it is just that Cantonese…. This is a bit of a digression, something that I joke about with people. There’s no chord. For instance, before in traditional Chinese music:)

(playing piano)

如果中樂團噉其實成隊都係差唔多。我哋叫“大 U”呀嘛,俗稱,“U” for “unison”。都係彈同一條 line 嘅,至多高八度37低八度噉樣。以前唔會噉呀嘛。

(If this were a [traditional] Chinese music group, then everyone would be doing roughly the same. We call it “big U,” it’s slang, with “U” standing for “unison.” Everyone plays the single line, at most an octave higher or lower.)

(playing piano)


(...like this…)

(playing piano)

…冇呢啲嘅。噉成日笑我哋啲 Cantonese music 全部大 U 噉囉。噉呢啲,當然,modern pop 就會可以有呢個。

(There’s nothing like this. We always joke that our [traditional] Cantonese music is all like this. Now this, of course, modern pop will have this.)

Duck: 但係頭先你已經係一個,就係演進38咗,就係去緊 Cantopop 嗰個,嗰個 way。

(​​But what you just did was already evolved, on the way to being Cantopop.)

Allan: 係囉。


Duck: 你啱啱做噉嘅嘢就係。

(It’s what you just did.)

Allan: 所以嗱,modern 嘅 Canto… modern 嘅,我而家真係中英文亂噉嚟呀。

(So modern Cantopop, I am really speaking a random mix of Cantonese and English.)

Duck: modern…

Allan: 炒埋一碟39呀。

(​​“Fried together as one dish.”)

Duck: By the way 我哋有“摩登40”呢個字嘅。

(​​By the way, we do have the Cantonese word mo1 dang1.)

Raymond: 係呀係呀。

(Yes, yes.)

Allan: 嘩真係好多由廣東話變返英文嘅喎。

(A lot of [English loanwords in] Cantonese changes back into English. )

Raymond: 而家係,都係撈嚟撈去呀語言。我哋喺前幾集都成日話而家有所謂嘅 “translanguaging”,即係啲跨語言現象,我哋講嘢生活呀其實都係噉樣。

(These days, a lot of languages mix back and forth. A few episodes back we said that there’s now so-called “translanguaging,” the phenomenon of crossing between languages. When we talk about stuff, life, it’s always like this.)

Allan: “茄汁”係咪都係㗎?“Ketchup”。

(Isn’t that the case with “ke4 zap1?” Ketchup?)

Raymond: 係呀有人話其實掉返轉41啦,廣東話變返做英文。

(Yes, some people say it happens in reverse, with Cantonese becoming English.)

Allan: 係囉。有啲 “kowtow” 呀嗰啲都係啦,“叩頭42”。

(Yes. There’s also “kowtow,” or kau3 tau4.)

Raymond: 多數同埋同好多啲食品有關啦。

(There are a lot that are related to food.)

Allan: “Tofu”.

Raymond: 豆腐呀,白菜呀,大家都知係咩嘢。

(Tofu, bok choi, everyone knows what they are.)

Alan: 我最近,唔知可唔可以真係 stretch 得太遠。我去 Superstore 買餸,我見到一個叫“Shirley Hung”乜嘢嚟呀,女人名?
(Recently, I don’t know if it’s stretched too far. I went to a superstore to buy food and saw something called “Shirley Hung,” a woman’s name?)

Raymond: 喔,係呀係呀,我見到你個 post。

(​​Ah, yes, I saw your post.)

Allan: 原來係雪菜43,雪裡紅。

(Originally it was preserved mustard greens, “syut3 leoi5 hung4.”)

Raymond: 雪裡紅,係呀,雪裡紅。

(​​Syut3 leoi5 hung4, yes, syut3 leoi5 hung4.)

Allan: “Shirley Hung” 咁得意嘅。哈哈,以為係邊個女人嚟嘅。

(“Shirley Hung,” so cute. Haha, I thought the name came from a woman.)

Raymond: 係呀所以除咗 Cantopop,即係音樂喺度進化呢,即係語言都喺度所謂都係一種進化44嚟嘅我覺得,即係呢個文化大雜燴45啦。不過講開,你啱啱都解釋得即係好有趣,呢個除咗講咗粵語嘅音樂,同埋歐西嘅流行曲嘅區別之外呢,噉你哋而家噉從事音樂嘅創作呀,或者各類型嘅表演呢,你其實,最初你哋從事音樂,係咪即係有係刻意即係想話,我係想做 Cantopop 嘅,想做粵語流行音樂。定係你一路做嘅時候,一路有啲想法改變呀?噉加上而家我都知道你哋喺溫哥華你都好積極去推廣啦,即係粵語嘅音樂啦。係啦你哋點睇呀?

(Yes, so besides Cantopop and the evolution of music, language has also had a so-called evolution, I think, as in this cultural mishmash. But speaking of that, what you just explained was really interesting. Besides what you mentioned about Cantonese music and the differentiation from Western pop music, you two both work in the creation of music or all sorts of performance. Actually, when you first got into working in music, did you want to work in Cantopop, Cantonese popular music? Or did your thinking change as you went along? On top of that, I know that you two are very active in Vancouver at promoting Cantonese music. What do you guys think?)

Duck: 因為我即係出世嘅講最多嘅語言係廣東話,噉音樂本身表達自己嘅嘛。噉你最,第一,第一個諗法就係用呢個語言嚟做啲音樂囉。即係呢個好,好 natural,好自然嘅事。噉慢慢跟住你嘅語言多咗一部份係英文,香港,香港嘅人就會有呢個部份。因爲我哋嘅,學校全部都係兩個語言嘅。噉我哋學嗰啲嘢呢,好多都係用英文學嘅。即係學數學呀,physics 呀,chemistry 呀,你叫我講嗰啲中文,講返呢啲 physics,chemistry 我係搞唔掂嘅其實。哈哈,反而,即係會亂嘅,一舊舊46。噉呀,而開始就又會聽英文歌。因為英文嘅 influence 都好犀利。噉呀,而且都好多嘢聽啦英文歌本身。噉跟著就會想,又做吓英文,又做吓廣東話,跟住又 mix 埋噉樣,即係會係,我嘅情況就係噉樣囉。

(It’s because Cantonese is what I spoke most from birth, and music is fundamentally an expression of oneself. In that sense, your first inclination is to use this language to make music. This is very natural. Then, gradually your [sense of] language comes to have another “piece,” English. People in Hong Kong have this piece. It’s because in school, we always used two languages. When we study things, we often use English. For instance, physics, chemistry, if you told me to talk about these in Cantonese, I actually couldn’t. Haha, actually, it would be quite messy, a lump of words. And from the start we listened to English songs, as the influence of English is pretty powerful. We actually listen to a lot of English songs. And then we’ll think, we’ll do a bit of English and a bit of Cantonese, and then mix them like that—that’s what it’s like for me.)

Allan: 我就由細到大47父母嘅薰陶47啦,佢哋就都係聽,就係聽返 Sam Hui 呀,一係輝哥啲音樂呀,Anita Mui 呀嗰啲噉樣。噉當時就覺得呢個,即係香港樂壇呢個世界係好,好得意,即係好百花齊放48呀。好嚮往49呢個世界呀。同埋尤其是佢最黃金時期,八、九十年代嘅時候,噉樣都係我一個成長嘅階段嚟嘅。噉成日覺得好勁呀呢啲,因為真係好紅呀嘛,譬如四大天王紅到,紅遍全世界嘅。噉即係等於而家譬如 Mirror 噉呢啲,小朋友會好 crazy。噉我當時都係好鍾意香港嘅,一啲 idols 呀,王菲呀,係咪,就係黐晒海報呀噉樣嘅。噉所以我就,即係除咗當然係,都係由細學音樂,噉變咗大咗都係想入呢行發展吓囉。噉但係嗰陣時,就係諗住都係,搵份工噉啦,返而而家個感覺就係,我就覺得有啲使命感50喇,就係要將廣東話,或者廣東文化、音樂呢樣嘢係繼續流傳51落去。

(Ever since I was a kid, I was subjected to the influence of my parents. They both listened to Sam Hui from before, and Anita Mui, stuff like that. I think that Hong Kong’s musical world of that time is really interesting, with all sorts of voices coming forth. I really yearn from this world. Especially Cantopop’s golden age during the 80s and 90s, that’s when I was growing up. I always think that stuff was pretty amazing, it was so popular, such as the Four Heavenly kings, they were popular all over the world. It’s like today’s MIRROR, kids go so crazy for them. Back then I really liked Hong Kong idols, like Faye Wong, right? I’d even put up posters. So of course, I studied music from when I was little, and when I grew up I wanted to enter the industry and develop further. Back then I thought more about finding a job, but now my thinking is, I have more of a sense of purpose in that I want to help continue the transmission of Cantonese culture and music.)

Cameron: 呢排有多啲人可能佢哋,佢應該係外國長大嘅,但係佢哋屋企人可能係由香港嚟嘅。跟住佢哋就長大嘅時候聽好多呢啲廣東歌,但係可能覺得,呢個就係媽咪爹地鍾意嘅音樂。但係佢哋長大之後,可能 25、26 歲嗰陣時開始對嗰啲音樂又有興趣。噉佢哋有時想了解嗰啲好經典嘅廣東歌,你有冇啲建議,就幫嗰樣嘅聽眾,搵到最經典嘅廣東歌?

(These days there are many people who, perhaps they have grown up abroad, but their family members are from Hong Kong. While growing up they heard a lot of these Cantonese songs, but they might think that it’s the music of mom and dad. However, once they are older, maybe 25 or 26, they start to become interested in that music. If they want to better understand classic Cantopop, do you have any suggestions for helping these listeners find the most classic Cantonese songs out there?)

Duck: 有咩建議幫佢哋…

(Do I have any suggestions to help them…)

Cameron: 建議。你覺得佢哋喺邊度可以搵到噉樣嘅,噉樣嘅資料,或者噉樣嘅 playlist 呀?你自己搵到嘅,或者你自己聽過嘅。

(Suggestions. Where do you think they can find this stuff, these sorts of resources, or these sorts of playlists? Perhaps what you have found or heard.)

Allan: 嗯,我諗,首先如果淨係想聽,聽吓先嘅,感覺、感受吓嗰種音樂嘅,噉而家就好方便,好多串流52平台例如 Spotify 呀,Apple Music,我諗你首先你 search 直情係或者 “Cantopop Classic” 之類噉嘅嘢啦。或者 “Hong Kong Classic Pop Song” 噉。噉應該佢哋都好多人做嗰啲 playlist 出嚟啦。噉聽吓噉啲啦。噉但係我覺得呢,當時呢啲音樂淨係聽就唔夠,尤其阿德頭先提及過,呢啲,即係八、九十年代嘅電視劇主題曲好盛行嘅時候,如果你想再感受深啲呢,睇埋嗰啲劇。噉好彩而家呢,網上 YouTube 都有播,即係放返晒成集、成套出嚟噉樣,一集一集噉睇。噉即係如果你唔鍾意唔使睇晒嘅,但可能呢,你聽佢個歌,再睇埋嗰個劇, let’s say 係一個金庸小說嘅,噉呀《射雕英雄傳》嘅,噉樣你咪上 Wikipedia 睇吓嗰個故事講乜嘢。跟住 understand 咗個 plot 之後,再聽多次輝哥嗰首(歌),跟住一齊感受,我諗係成個 package 嚟嘅囉。 

(Ah, I think, first, if you just want to listen and get a feel for that music, it’s very convenient now with a lot of streaming platforms like Spotify and Apple Music. I think first you can certainly search first for something like “Cantopop classic” or “Hong Kong classic pop song.” There should be a lot of different playlists that appear that different people have made. Listen to those. However, I think that just listening to this music isn’t enough, especially what Duck was just talking about, in the 80s and 90s when there was an abundance of TV theme songs. If you want a deeper feel [for Cantopop], you should watch these TV drama shows. Luckily, now you can stream a lot of them on YouTube, you can watch a whole series, one episode after the other. If you don’t like them you don’t have to watch them, but maybe if you hear the song and are going to watch the drama–let’s say it’s [based on] a Jin Yong novel, like The Legend of the Condor Heroes–why don’t you go look at Wikipedia to see what the story is about. After you’ve understood the plot and you go back and listen to Sam Hui’s song, feel them together, I think this is the entire package.)

Duck: 我都覺得就, 點樣可以搵多啲嘢聽呢?就其實 YouTube 真係有好多嘅。噉 YouTube 呢,就有好多人好有心呀,即係佢將一啲 related 嘅舊歌嘅呢,就擺啲片落去嗰啲。嗰啲呢要,不過嗰啲呢就要真係要搵吓喇。噉呀 search 就好容易嘅啫,即係 “Cantopop”,跟著一個,一個年份噉樣其實會出一啲嘢噉樣。噉呀自然就會有好多嘢睇呀。爭在53你睇唔睇得晒呀,咁多嘢。 噉同埋我會幾鍾意留意返就係以前嗰啲,我自己就鍾意聽多啲快歌添呀。噉呢以前有啲快歌,譬如張國榮噉樣,或者梅艷芳,噉即係其實佢哋有好多快歌噉呢,佢哋又有佢哋嗰啲台,喺個台嗰啲表演呢,佢哋嗰啲即係好有一個特色嘅表演嚟嘅,全部都好經典、好有特色嘅表演嚟嘅。噉而家佢擺返晒,一望好容易搵到。

(I also think that when it comes to how to find stuff to listen to, YouTube really has  a lot of stuff. Some people on YouTube have put a lot of thought into it and grouped a bunch of old songs together. That stuff, you really need to find that stuff. Searching for it is easy, it’s just “Cantopop,” and then a year [for the date it came out] will produce certain kinds of things. Naturally there will be a lot of things to see, and it is just a matter of whether you can see them all. I really rather like listening to those uptempo songs from the past. Some uptempo songs from before, like by Leslie Cheung and Anita Mui, they did a lot of those, and they also did performances on stage–those performances were rather unique, and they were all classics, performances with a lot of character. Now they’ve all been sorted together and it’s easy to watch them through.)


Allan: 好似 YouTube 都有,以前都會成日睇啦,每年嘅《勁歌金曲》頒獎。

(It seems that YouTube also has Jade Solid Gold, which was always on every year. [Cultural note: Jade Solid Gold, or 《勁歌金曲》, is a music award and variety music show from TVB])


Duck: 呢啲都好,好睇返可以。係呀,yeah。

(These are all good to watch again. Yeah.)


Allan: 我諗淨係睇嗰個都好,因為呢,佢每年嘅勁歌,佢十大, The Top Ten of the Year 噉樣,噉你就睇吓每年,由一路 80、81、 82一路去到九幾年,噉你就聽到嗰個變化喇,成個 evolution of Cantopop 囉。真係好得意,即係八幾年頭嘅時候,仲係好多小調嘅,可能係有啲中式嘅 melody 呀。噉即係《夢想號黃包車》呢啲噉嘅有揚琴54,又古箏55又盛56,噉一路去到90年代初期,譬如劉德華噉樣,噉我最近先睇到,譬如因為劉德華嗰陣時嘅監製係杜自持先生啦,Andrew 啦,噉佢就好鍾意 jazz 嘅。

(I think just watching those is fine, as the best songs of every year, The Top Ten of the Year, you’ll see them for every year, starting from 1980 and all the way up into the 90s. Then you’ll hear the change, the whole evolution of Cantopop. It’s really interesting, as in the early 80s, there were still a lot of traditional songs with Chinese-style melodies. For instance,  Mung6 Soeng2 Hou6 Wong4 Baau1 Ce1 [Lit: dream rickshaw] has a hammered dulcimer and zither and so forth, and then when you continue along to the early 90s, like with Andy Lau–I’ve noticed it only recently–Andy Lau’s producer was Andrew Tuason, and he really likes jazz.)

噉樣呢,就慢慢將啲 jazz 嘅元素或者 R&B 嘅元素滲入57去啦,係啲編曲度啦。 噉由即係一個 decade 呢個變化都已經係好大喇。噉呀跟住就日本歌啦,係咪,好多 cover 啦。噉呀又到譬如好似90年代尾呢,係咪因為當時俞琤呀,商台,就話唔畀有一啲,即係”我淨係想,我要鼓吹58多啲人做 original 喇,我要即係香港嘅 composer 都要作多啲,唔好成日 cover 喇。” 噉呀,噉又另外一個階段59嚟囉,我覺得,係囉。

(Gradually, he put some jazz elements and R&B elements in, arranging them into the songs. So within just a decade the change was huge. There were also Japanese songs, right, lots of covers. And then in the late 90s, because Winnie Yu Tsang, CEO of the Commercial Radio did not allow some… “I [Winnie] just want to encourage original work, I just want Hong Kong composers to create more and not do cover versions all the time.” Then that is another phase I think.)


Raymond: 係呀我覺得你哋分享都即係好有啟發嘅,即係我哋成日話有呢個論調60話,粵語流行音樂,特別係八、九十年代係黃金年代,嗰陣時有天王巨星,即係我哋想,即係喺我哋嘅廣東話班,我哋都會講,即係好多人噉樣即係講啦。噉呀,我哋嗰陣時,我哋亦都經歷過我哋後生啲嘅時候啦,噉但係而家,其實你回首61睇呢,即係我哋嗰個年代,可能我哋個環境我哋可以接觸到嘅音樂就係呢啲嘅音樂喇。噉呀好多改編歌啦,好多天王巨星啦,噉樣。噉但係嚟到而家我哋今日呢,我哋即係亦都62呢個科技啦所賜62,我哋而家可以回顧63返,噉我哋可以隨時去睇唔同年代嘅音樂個變化,睇到佢嗰個,你啱啱亦都睇到佢嗰個歷史,佢個趨勢呀其實好有趣。

(Yes, I think what you guys shared is very enlightening. We always have this view that Cantopop, particularly the golden age of the 80s and 90s, had these superstars–that’s what we think in our Cantonese class, a lot of people say it. Back then we were going through our youth, but now when we look back at that time period, the sort of music that we would encounter in our environment was this music. Lots of adapted songs, lots of superstars, like that. But now in the present, thanks to technology, we can look back and look at the transformation of music across different times, their history, that trend is very interesting.)


(The elements of production increased, and I think that it is very hard to say, in a generalization, that “That time period was the golden age, now it’s not so good,” right? On that note, I want to ask you, there are people who say that on the other hand, over the past two years, we’ve seen a fresh crop of talent in the world of Cantopop, like young idols, and it seems like everyone is paying attention to Cantopop again. In your Cantopop circles, you’ve witnessed a lot of changes. What do you think? Do you think it’s as everyone says? Do you think there has been a recovery, or what? )


Duck: Allan 講啦。

(Go ahead Allan.)


Allan: 係開心嘅,因為由細到大聽 Cantopop,亦都經歷佢嘅興衰68呀,起跌呀噉樣。噉中間嗰段時間,譬如2000年打後,有啲有段時間又好似,人哋話即係唔係幾好啦,嗰段時間即係唔係幾健康啦,個樂壇啦。或者嘅出品首首都差唔多,噉樣冇乜新意69噉啦。噉但係所以,而家見到有噉噉多人留意返,我覺得都係好事嚟嘅,同埋有多咗音樂節目,無論係一啲電視台, 或者有真係有超過一個電視台,有好多歌手可以上去,以前得一個嘅啫吓,你去得呢邊就唔去得嗰邊。

(I’m really happy, because listening to Cantopop throughout my life, I’ve experienced its rise and fall, ups and downs. There was a point in the middle, like after 2000, there was a time in the middle when it seemed, people were saying it wasn’t very good, it wasn’t a healthy period for the music world. Or the songs coming out were all the same and there was no sense of novelty. However, when you look at how everyone is paying attention again, I think it’s a good thing, and there are more music programs, regardless of whether it’s on TV, and there is more than one TV station, and there are many musicians who can go on–before there was just one [TV station], if you went on this one you couldn’t go on the other one.)

又或者係而家啲網上嘅,同埋新一個 generation 嘅音樂人呢,我覺得佢地真係好叻㗎。好多係可能外國讀音樂學院返嚟。美國呀,Berkelee 呀,MI 呀,噉真係個個都係真係識彈、識作、識唱,係有料70嘅音樂人嚟嘅。唔係好似以前得個樣、得個 pretty face 就叫做歌手喇,噉呢啲真係 musician,有 musicality 嘅歌手。 噉我覺得係健康啦,呢樣嘢,希望佢哋可以繼續噉樣發展落去。

(Or now online, with the new generation of musicians, I think they’re really great. Some of them have studied music abroad, like in America, at Berkelee, MI, and they really know how to play, compose, and sing–they’re really qualified. It’s not like before where if you just had a pretty face you could be a singer, these are real musicians with real musicality. I think it’s healthy, like this, and I hope it can continue to develop into the future.)


Duck: 我另外會覺得其實而家都冇人知道呢個潮流會唔會即係繼續到啦,噉但係而家就興旺71,我哋就盡量咪72、谷、谷大啲。噉呀,做多啲啦。噉其實多個好處就係,第時73如果唔知點解,可能又靜返嘅話呢,噉起碼而家就有而家呢一陣嘅歌囉。而家呢一咋嘅歌,第二時又多啲一啲啦,唔係就淨係得返四大天王講嚟講去喇。噉又多一,多一咋嘢可以講喇噉樣。噉另外,我覺得而家即係個音樂製作個情況係有啲唔同咗呀。

(I also think that nobody knows right now whether this rising tide will continue, but right now it’s flourishing, and we might as well try our best to boost it further. Let’s do more. Another advantage is that, if we don’t know why in the future, if things quiet down, we at least have the songs of now. These songs now, there will be more and more in the future, it won’t just be the Four Heavenly Kings. There will be another and another thing to talk about. Also, I think that the music production situation has changed a lot.)

噉其實有唔少嘅音樂人,其實有啲唔喺香港㗎。我同 Allan 都唔喺香港啦。噉呀,另外仲有啲譬如 Alex Fung 呀,即係其實,譬如做 mixing 嘅 Frankie 呀,喺英國呀,Alex Fung 喺 New Zealand 呀。即係其實我哋,其實好多人喺唔同嘅地方已經。但係個而家嘅科技令到我哋可以喺邊度都做到嘢嘅,即係個界線74冇咁,冇咁清晰75㗎喇。噉呀即係各自就可以,想做咪做囉。 想推多啲嘢就推多啲嘢。

(There are a lot of musicians who actually aren’t in Hong kong. Neither Allan nor I are in Hong Kong. There’s also Alex Fung, and also Frankie who does mixing in England, and Alex Fung is in New Zealand. Actually, a lot of people are in different places. However, the technology of today allows us to do it from wherever, with no boundary, it’s not so clear. Each can do as they please. If you want to put out more stuff, you can put out more stuff.)


Allan: 同埋阿德呀,即係譬如,嗱,香港移民就唔係唔係近呢幾年啦,一路好多年前都一路有㗎喇,或者係音樂人溫哥華都好多㗎係咪?早期輝哥都係 Vancouver 啦?Tony A 呀,鍾肇峰呀,Richard Yuen 呀,呢啲真係好多。噉但係呢,當時佢哋好多移咗民嗰啲嘅感覺就係退休76嘅。 即係唔係,未曾真係就算,但係你感覺都好似冇咁 active 嘅噉樣啦。噉但係因為唔知係咪近呢幾年啦,香港呀,亦都又,又嚟一個移民潮,因為好多政治因素。

(Like Duck, in recent years, there were quite a few Hong Kong emigrants in recent years, and many years before, and there are a lot of musicians in Vancouver, right? Tony A, Dominic Chung, Richard Yuen, really a lot. However, at the time when they emigrated, many thought of it as retirement. It wasn’t exactly, but it essentially was, but you think of them as not so active. But people didn’t know that in recent years, Hong Kong would have another immigration wave due to many political factors.)

噉但係我就反而覺得今次呢就有少少幾好嘅 by-product 呢就係一啲 active 嘅 musician,去咗好…世界各地,各散東西,加拿大又好,New Zealand 又好,但係都係想繼續 keep 住做返廣東歌。噉,噉變咗即係唔會係退休,即係我哋都未有耐77,哈哈哈,未有耐係到,退休年齡啦,噉但係就會,變咗將呢個廣東歌文化就帶到去其他地方喇。繼續,繼續做。

(But I think there is a little bit of a beneficial by-product in that some active musicians have gone all over the world, spreading all over the world, whether it is Canada or New Zealand, but they all want to keep doing Cantonese music. So now it’s not retirement–not quite reaching retirement age yet, hahaha, not quite yet retirement age, and now they’re bringing Cantonese music to different places. Continuing, continuing to do it.)


Duck: 係、係呀。同埋其實就係講緊以前,難啲呀根本,做呢件事。以前我哋做所有嘢都要去錄音室先至做到晒所有嘢嘅。就算我喺香港住,即係喺香港做廣東音樂,噉我都唔可以喺香港嘅屋企做得所有嘢嘅,我一定結果都係要有好多嘢都要去到錄音室先至做到嘅。但係而家係個網絡上面令到我哋,即係一啲 professional 嘅 audio 呢,即係經過網絡掟嚟掟去,係“叮”噉就到搞掂。即係以前係唔會噉樣發生。即係攞餅帶78都要由銅鑼灣帶餅帶去佐敦,噉即係真係要 physically 攞餅帶噉樣攞過去。而家唔使,唔使。而家係我喺溫哥華撳個掣79,錄完啲嘢,兩個鐘,即係喺香港,譬如 Johnny Yim 噉即刻就收到㗎喇噉。

(Yes, yes. But speaking of before, it was fundamentally difficult to do these things. Before we had to go to a recording studio to do everything. Like in Hong Kong, doing Cantonese music in Hong Kong, you couldn’t do it in a Hong Kong home, so as a result there was a lot of stuff you had to go to a recording studio for. But now the internet lets us do some professional audio, we can do it via the web, we can do it with one click. It couldn’t happen like that before. You had to bring a cassette tape from Causeway Bay to Jordan, you actually had to bring a physical cassette over. Now there’s no need, no need. Now in Vancouver I can press a button and record something, and in two minutes, for instance, Johnny Yim in Hong Kong will have it.)


Allan: 甚至 real time 都有喎。

(They can also have it in real time.)


Duck: 係喇係喇。

(Yup, yup.)


Allan: 好多人,譬如 source connect,噉呀我而家即刻,let’s say 而家你嗰格其實可能係 Avon 嚟嘅,喺九龍。噉樣我可以直接聽、直接畀 feedback,呀呢個字噉樣我想高啲噉樣,噉你又唱返高,都所以係方便咗好多囉。

(A lot of people, such as with “source connect–like right now, let’s say one person is in Avon in Kowloon. You can still hear it right away and give direct feedback, like those words should be higher, you need to sing it again higher, etc., it’s all gotten a lot more convenient.)